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Is it possible and how to wash a reusable bag for a vacuum cleaner

Reusable soft dust collectors significantly save the family budget, but require care. Over time, they are completely clogged with dirt, and dry cleaning does not save. Can I wash a reusable bag for a vacuum cleaner? Manufacturers do not recommend this, but the housewives have found a way that does not harm the filter.

Reusable soft dust bags

Types of bags

Reusable bags are a fairly wide group of dust collectors. On average, they are divided into three types:

  • satin - are in old models and some new ones, their main drawback is the seams that clog stronger than the basic matter;
  • synthetic - they are perfectly blown and do not have seams, they are easily cleaned by blowing or knocking out, but, alas, they do not tolerate friction - such a filter will quickly spoil a brush or intensive washing;
  • non-woven - the most modern bags made of fabric with protective impregnation, such are in the most advanced (and expensive), as well as in professional vacuum cleaners.

Types of dust collectors

The type of dust collector depends on how often you have to clean it, in what way and with what.

How often to wash
Bags of different volumes and types are clogged at different speeds, it is also important how much dust the device has to take every time. It is recommended to dry the bag, for example, knock it out as soon as it is full 2/3 or 3/4 full. Washing is carried out every 4-5 knockouts.

How to wash correctly magazine draws the attention of its readers that washing with a machine is contraindicated in any bag filter - only by hand.

vacuum cleaner and dust collector

Washing - instructions:

  1. Collect 5 liters of water.
  2. Dilute some funds.
  3. Dip the cleaned filter into the water, remember with your hands without effort.
  4. Scroll the water in the basin clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  5. Leave the bag in solution for approximately 60 minutes.
  6. Rinse several times in clean water.
  7. Shake like a plate. No need for active strokes, as when handling a rag.
  8. Squeeze the satin dust container with an absorbent towel.
  9. Place on a wire rack to dry. Do not force the process so as not to spoil the dust bag.
  10. After 48 hours, the filter is ready for use.

clean dust bag

What to wash
The best option is a washing gel. Satin filters can be washed with powder, but must be completely dissolved. Soap is also used, but it is slightly less effective. It is important that the product is not conditioning, unacceptable and bleaching particles.

In short - dry cleaning methods:

  • shake out the trash
  • knock out
  • clean with a soft brush
  • walk with a second, for example, hand-held vacuum cleaner.

vacuum cleaners

Proper and regular care of the bag will extend its working life; with clean filters, the vacuum cleaner will not lose power, which means that cleaning will become more efficient and easier: even the smallest specks will fly into the pipe from one pass.

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