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What is a good water mattress, what are its disadvantages?

The low popularity of a water mattress is understandable: it is bulky, incomprehensible to care for, and very expensive. In addition, the design is surrounded by numerous myths from constant leaks to the development of motion sickness. Is this really so, and is the water mattress worth the money spent on it? We have collected reliable characteristics and reviews about unusual bedding in this article, and you decide on the acquisition.

The design of the mattress, types

Water mattress outwardly is not much different from the usual spring. It is a solid rectangular (rarely oval or round) polyvinyl chloride base filled with water.

waterbed design

The idea of ​​such a mattress arose more than 3,000 years ago among the Persians - it was wineskins filled with water. Recently, the design has been greatly improved to meet customer expectations. As a filler, plain water still acts, but with disinfecting additives. A quality mattress is equipped with a heating system.

Varieties of water mattress from budget to luxury:

  1. Single chamber - a primitive look and that very childhood dream of waves on the bed. In fact, sleeping on such a mattress is not very convenient: the movement of water is constantly felt, it is difficult to maintain balance, muscles and spine do not relax. Reviews of seasickness relate specifically to these designs. Also, you cannot sit on such a bed. The only plus is the affordable price, but is it worth it?
  2. Multi chamber - a water mattress from several cylinder blocks with liquid filler. Sleeping on such accessories is much calmer, as the movement of water is almost imperceptible. There is a function of adjusting the rigidity and zoning. Here we can already talk about orthopedic properties. The design is most often supplemented by a heating system.
  3. With optional polyurethane block - the best kind of water mattress. The block allows you to distribute the load evenly, to smooth out the effect of waves. These designs are the most durable and most comfortable for sleeping and relaxing.
  4. The device may include a backlight and massage system.

double chamber mattress

There are also children's varieties of water mattress. The requirements for them are even more stringent, since the forming spine critically needs orthopedic support, and the muscular apparatus maximally needs full rest at night and day. Single-block designs are suitable only for games. Also, the children's mattress should be equipped with several additional blocks of coconut coir or other hypoallergenic material.

Advantages and disadvantages, myths

Water multi-chamber mattress refers to orthopedic bedding. It really has a positive effect on human health. But the main reason for buying the product is the desire for unusual sensations - easy swaying on the waves.

girl on the mattress

Let's analyze the advantages of a strange design:

  1. Water filler allows the body to take the correct position during sleep. The mattress does not disturb blood circulation, helps to relax the whole body.
  2. This is a completely hypoallergenic design; bedbugs, fungus and other troubles do not start in the mattress. Lack of dust is an advantage that allergy sufferers will appreciate.
  3. Heating system. Temperature control provides the most comfortable conditions for relaxation. Such mattresses are recommended for people with rheumatism, gout, suffering from muscle pain. A warm bed is also necessary at low room temperatures.You don’t have to bother with cooling heaters when there is a built-in heating system that works throughout the night.
  4. One of the myths associated with water mattresses is their fragility. The design does not leak and can withstand heavy weight. With prolonged use, the mattress does not sag, its cover is resistant to wear.
  5. On a heated mattress is much easier to fall asleep. This is an advantage for people who suffer from insomnia. The heat level is adjustable.

water mattress use

Cons of a design with water are more likely to refer to its low-quality varieties, but there are objective reasons not to buy such a mattress:

  1. Any modification of the water mattress is very cumbersome - often the weight exceeds 500 kg. Not every bed frame and flooring can withstand such a load. It is better to take care of a special bed with a solid base, even make it to order. Installation of high protective sides is also required: so in case of leakage, water will not get into the apartment, and you will have time to take action. The sides will protect the mattress from the claws of pets and curious young children.
  2. Water mattress is not intended for a small apartment. To carry out repairs with such a design will be very difficult.
  3. Protection is also required on the top of the case. One blanket can not do, you have to stock up on a mattress cover.
  4. Water change. In qualitative forms, the procedure is carried out every 2-3 years, so it can hardly be called an unambiguous minus, but cheap single-chamber mattresses cause owners a lot of trouble.
  5. Sleep on the waves is a test for the vestibular apparatus instead of rest. Single-chamber mattresses, instead of wiggling slightly, give the owner only a headache.
  6. It's hard to sleep together. The movement of one person sets in motion water, if the design does not involve division into zones. The cheapest variety is a two-chamber mattress.
  7. Daily heating is required, otherwise the filler will be cold and unpleasant. Sleeping on a cold water mattress is unhealthy. Heating can hardly be called a minus, since the energy consumption is very small. The only question arises with the placement of an already voluminous product within the reach of outlets.
  8. Condensation is possible when the air temperature in the room changes.
  9. In case of a puncture, urgent measures must be taken so that the apartment does not suffer from the flood.
  10. High price. Such a purchase often does not live up to expectations, for the same amount it is easy to purchase proven spring-loaded orthopedic models of mattresses.

One of the myths is the gurgling of a liquid filler, which interferes with sleep. High-quality design does not allow air to get into the unit with water, it is silent. Another concern of buyers is the likelihood of leaks. If no one will test the coating for strength with sharp objects, then the mattress will serve for a long time.

waterbed bed

The magazine recommends that when buying a mattress pay attention to its maximum rigidity. The greater the weight of the sleeper, the stronger the structure must be in order to keep the spine in an optimal position. Stiffness is provided by inlays made of polyurethane and coconut coir.

Even the highest quality luxury water mattress is not recommended for daily use. It is not suitable for healing people with obesity and a problem lumbar or cervical spine — a reason for insufficient rigidity. It is better to give preference to independent spring structures or materials with a memorial effect.

How to use: features

Subject to all manufacturer's requirements, the mattress will last a long time, at least 10-15 years.

single chamber water mattress

Recommendations for the operation of a water mattress:

  1. In cheap single-block types with a frequency of 1 time per year, a complete replacement of the filler is carried out.
  2. For modern models, the function of adding a special air conditioner is provided. The substance destroys harmful microorganisms. Replacement of the filler itself is carried out every 2-3 years.
  3. From time to time, the frame is wiped with a damp cloth.This is sufficient to maintain cleanliness.
  4. Do not puncture, do not burn the cover. Repairing a water mattress is expensive.

Comfortable sleeping conditions are not luxury, but the need for modern realities. A person who has slept feels cheerful and works much more productively. Does the water mattress meet the necessary criteria for a good rest? In many respects this is really a unique thing, but a similar effect can be achieved with the help of independent spring structures.

If you decide to buy a water mattress, then give preference to modern multi-chamber options with advanced functionality, so as not to be disappointed.

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