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How to install a Christmas tree without a special stand to stand until March 8?

Perhaps the main troubles, in addition to preparing holiday dishes, are created by the tree on New Year's Eve: to find, choose, buy, install and decorate so that it is without unnecessary nerves and expenses, and the result is beautiful and safe ... Having reached the installation, many owners live forest beauties can face difficulties if the farm does not have a special stand. But with some ingenuity, dad can always find an alternative and still establish a live Christmas tree at home.

Rules for the safe installation of the tree

How to do it?

If the tree is artificial, then there should not be any special problems with its installation: all such models are equipped with ready-made stands, which you only need to assemble correctly according to the instructions.

But what to do with live, if there is no special device or it was, but it broke?

There are 3 most common ways to install a green beauty without a special stand:

  • in a bucket;
  • on a makeshift crosspiece;
  • with additional fastening (if the tree is too high).

The most common way is a bucket of sand (or sand and gravel). However, you can get sand in the winter unless in a hardware store. And the process of such installation cannot be called neat - sand will surely wake up on the carpet. But if you want the Christmas tree to stay alive for as long as possible, it is the wet sand that will come to the rescue.

Christmas tree in a bucket of sand

The Christmas tree needs to be prepared in advance: to update the trunk cut (how flower stems are cut), cut the lower branches so that 20 centimeters of the trunk fit in the bucket. Sometimes, in order for the tree to become more stable, it is necessary to thin or shorten some branches at different heights.

Now you need to put the Christmas tree in the bucket, fill it with sand, compact it, making sure that the trunk is clearly upright, and then pour sand with water with the addition of an aspirin tablet.

If instead of a Christmas tree a fluffy, branched pine is bought, for added stability it is advisable to first fix the trunk in a bucket with gravel or stones, and then sprinkle with sand.

Also, if there is no stand, instead of sand, you can use plastic bottles filled with water. They are installed in a bucket in a circle, the trunk of a tree is placed in the center. For greater stability, voids are filled with pieces of fabric.

If you could not get a real, industrial stand, you can replace it by making a simple cross made of two wooden blocks, sawn in the middle and fastened. To install a Christmas tree on it, you need to place it in the center of the crosspiece, screw a long self-tapping screw first into the crosspiece (bottom), and then directly into the trunk.

Christmas tree on the cross

If there is a financial opportunity, get a forest beauty already in the tub. She will be constantly alive, not showered, will last several years. And you won’t have to install it at all: it will be enough just to put the tub with the Christmas tree in the right place.

How to install a Christmas tree if a small child is at home?

This situation fundamentally changes the approach to the question of the place and method of fixing the Christmas tree or pine.

To begin with, you should clearly understand which concept we will adhere to: we will enable the tiny one to explore the world and get his personal life experience, closely following it, or try to protect him as much as possible from possible injuries, because we do not have the opportunity to be there every second. It is from this that further actions will depend.

A child reaches for Christmas tree toys

For the first option, the stability of the Christmas tree and the safety of toys for the baby are important. Therefore, the bucket choose the deepest. If the parents settled on the option with a cross, then if possible they attach it directly to the floor.

It makes sense to trim the lower branches.

Toys must be unbreakable: foam, plastic, textile, cardboard.

If the tree is quite high (above one and a half meters), it becomes less stable, which means it is easier to knock over a small child. In this case, it is advisable to additionally fix the Christmas tree by tying the trunk with ropes to a nearby support (curtain rods, heating pipes, etc.) or by fixing the ropes on the wall or ceiling.

The crumbling needles will need to be constantly collected so that the baby does not accidentally swallow them or get scratched.

If parents seek to prevent possible troubles from the child’s contact with the tree, it should be out of reach for him. That is, it can be put on the table, dresser or inside the arena.

As an extravagant option, we can offer fixing the Christmas tree upside down under the ceiling. There, the baby will definitely not get it, but will be able to admire as much as he wants. True, to fix and decorate a tree in this position is not so simple.

New Year is perhaps the brightest and most grandiose holiday for every family. And nothing should overshadow him. A correctly installed Christmas tree will eliminate the need to periodically raise and reinstall it, distracting from the celebration and losing its magical mood.

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