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How to fold towels according to the Contari method

Marie Kondo is a Japanese housekeeping specialist who is known for her konmari technique that has conquered the world. The essence of her method is to restore order not only in the house, but also in her own head. Cluttering and convenient arrangement of things contributes to the harmonization of space and human life. Let’s figure out how Marie Kondo offers to store towels and bath accessories.

Marie Condo

The essence of the method

The book by Marie Kondo is written in the best traditions of minimalism. Who, if not the Japanese, knows all the subtleties of this science. The phrase that cleaning is carried out once in a lifetime becomes clear after reading the book.

Book of Marie Condo

The essence of the contari method is simple: getting rid of unnecessary things and finding the right place for the right ones.


The accumulation of things leads not only to littering the house. Ultimately, towels and other accessories, bought at a bargain price on sales, from a long time lying in a chest of drawers become not so fresh and new. It is much nicer, if necessary, to go to the store and purchase a thing that meets the needs of the moment.

Terry towels

Output: Get rid of all towels that do not bring joy. These are old, washed, lost their softness, faded products. There is one important rule: when you touch a thing, you need to experience joy - this is a reason to leave it, no matter in what condition it is. Everything else is in the bin.

How to fold

Rule of contari: each thing should have its own place, and you need to choose it so that it is convenient not to get it, but to fold it. This will significantly save the time of the hostess after drying the towels.

Roll Towel

So, the bathroom is not the best place to store anything, since this is the wettest and hottest room in the house. Reaching a dresser with things is a matter of seconds, in fact it’s easier to store accessories and clean the bathroom.

Sort by type

It is much easier to fold all the towels in one place. This makes them easier to find and return to the shelf after use. Collect things in one type, do not lay them around the house. For towels, it is worth highlighting one drawer of a chest of drawers or a cabinet.

Tip magazine draws attention to one thought from the Kondo book: it makes sense to create separate storage areas for personal items for each family member.

Folding method

Vertical placement is the basis for storing all things according to the kontari method. Stacking towels in a pile leads to the accumulation of unnecessary and unnecessary ones, since we cannot evaluate the space they occupy and make out all the layers. And also such storage causes inconvenience. The towels that lie at the beginning of the pile are doomed to oblivion. They are very difficult to pull out from under the pile without damaging its structure.

Towels on the table

To organize a shelf in a cabinet or chest of drawers, roll all the towels into rolls. So it will be convenient to put them vertically. Now, to take a thing from a shelf, you do not need to hold the rest. All items are clearly visible, they will be used more often.

By color

Another trick that will make the space in the cabinet visually more pleasant and cleaner is the placement of things in accordance with the color scheme. From dark towels on the right to light towels on the left - this is how Marie Kondo recommends arranging home accessories and clothes.

Kondo's book “Magical cleaning. The Japanese art of putting things in order at home and in life ”has deservedly become a bestseller, which has already helped many people not only to organize space in the house, but also to get rid of the burden of the past and move towards prospects.It is this goal that was set by the author of the methodology: free your home from the unnecessary and causing negativity to make it a place of reboot and inspiration for a better understanding of yourself and new achievements.

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