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How many steps does a housewife take, how much does a dish washed in a year weigh?

Fans of unusual statistics will be interested in what distance the housewife runs through the apartment every day, and how much the dishes washed for her weigh. Perhaps these data will make someone think about the difficulties of the profession of “housewife” and more respect those who monitor housing and care about the family.

Why housewife is work

The work of housewives is often underestimated. Family members can get used to the cleanliness and variety of dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our article is designed to break the stereotype that a female housewife does nothing special.

Housewives work

You need to have talent to be a good hostess. Housework includes at least daily stove work. In order for the family’s diet to be varied, the wife and mother daily come up with or look for new recipes. The time at the stove sometimes takes more than one hour. Add dishwashing for all family members several times a day here. Well, do you want to be a “lazy” housewife?

Now about cleaning. It is rather hard for those who bring up young children. Try to collect toys daily so that they don’t fall under your feet and cause injuries. In addition, a housewife needs:

  1. Wash, hang and iron clean clothes. Sheets and duvet covers are quite heavy and voluminous.
  2. Vacuum, mop the floor / carpets. If you have animals, you have to do this almost every day.
  3. Wipe off dust from all surfaces, visible and not very. If dust has accumulated under the sofa and is not visible, this does not mean that the inhabitants of the house are not breathing.
  4. Fold scattered things: clothes, books, newspapers, office and other little things. We must also figure out where what lay.
  5. Take out the trash.
  6. Comb out the dog, etc.


It is good that the life of a modern housewife is facilitated by household appliances, but even this does not give the right to underestimate the work of these selfless women (and sometimes men). On the shoulders of the hostess lies the concern for the appliances.

What distance does a housewife cover daily

We found that a housewife is hard work. It would seem that a person is at home all day: relax, watch TV and eat sandwiches. This is a superficial look, in fact, home care takes almost all of your free time. Especially if the family has a child and pets who do not know how to take care of themselves.

Studies with a pedometer made it possible to find out that on average a housewife walks up to 8,000 steps in an apartment every day. The exact figure depends on the size of the living space, the number of cases, etc. And if guests come, the friendly hostess flutters on her feet from morning to night.

Woman cleaning the kitchen

It is believed that the daily norm of steps is 10,000. This is enough to maintain overall health. Now add to these "home" 8000 a trip to the store, to the kindergarten / school for the child, a walk with the dog. If you actively maintain cleanliness, daily indulge in seven culinary masterpieces and be a responsible mother, you can decently get tired.

If the hostess will lie all day on the couch, you will immediately notice it. By uncleaned shoes, a mountain of utensils, scattered things, ironing, etc.

Folk wisdom
Moms often say: the work of the hostess is not noticeable, but very noticeable if she does not. The plates in the cupboard end, the table is grimy, the Lego parts roll on the floor.

How much does a dish washed per year weigh?

Let's try to count. In an average family, 3-4 plates are used (soup, flat, dessert), the same number of glasses, appliances, as well as pans, pans and some other utensils. This also includes cutting boards, knives, a multicooker bowl, etc. The weight of the dishes depends on the material.

Washing dishes

A tureen or a wide dish weighs about 500 g. A glass is 200-250 g. Devices on average 20 g each. The weight of the pan is more difficult to calculate, some samples have a dense multi-layer bottom. Suppose an average 5 liter capacity weighs 1.5 kg. The pan is the same.

We proceed to the calculations. Suppose plates and mugs are used 3 times per day. If there are 4 people in the family, we multiply the weight of each device by 4, and then by 3 meals.

  1. Plates: 500 × 4 × 3 = 6 kg.
  2. Glasses: 200 × 4 × 3 = 2 kg.
  3. Instruments: 20 × 4 × 3 = 240 g.
  4. Cookware: 3 kg.

Washing dishes

It turns out that the hostess washes a little more than 11 kg of dishes per day. Then, using simple calculations, we find out that for a month the weight of washed dishes is 330 kg, for a year - 3960 kg. Almost 4 tons of utensils, can you imagine? And if you add to this figure the weight of cauldrons, baking sheets, containers, cans, bottles, sugar bowls and other containers, you get an impressive figure. magazine recommends you get a dishwasher, especially in large families. Washing up takes 30 minutes a day. This time is better to devote to yourself and loved ones.

Appreciate housewives! If you do not notice that it works, this is only a plus. So she copes with her task with a bang. A housewife is not a vegetation in four walls, but a serious profession, sometimes even art.

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