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Why you can use baby powder in everyday life

Oddly enough at first glance, but baby powder can be successfully used not only in caring for young children, but also in the household. The tool helps out more than once when it comes to adult domestic problems, and therefore it should be in every household.

baby powder

Baby powder consists of talc, zinc oxide, starch and various dyes and flavors. The fewer additional components, the better. Another quality factor is how white and fine the powder is.

In the apartment: we remove spots, we are saved from sweating and something else

As for children, it is quite logical to use a powder for adults: for its intended purpose:

  1. In hot weather, people with full legs have a delicate problem: rubbing on the inside of their hips. Using talcum powder, you can solve this problem by sprinkling all the delicate places. The same applies to tight shoes, rubbing their feet heavily in the summer heat.
  2. To make rubber gloves easier to put on, last longer and do not tear, use talcum powder every time you put on them. Lightly sprinkle your hands plus a pinch into each glove - and the problem is solved.
  3. Excessive sweating feet or unsuccessful stuffy shoes? Again, baby powder comes to the rescue. Powder your feet and send a little more to the shoes - at once you will overcome both the moisture and the smell in the shoes.
  4. Going to a conference and don’t want a sweat stain on your shirt or back? Ask your spouse to sprinkle not only the baby’s ass, but also your shoulder blades. Freshness at the meeting is guaranteed.
  5. If your tactile sensitivity is not high, but wet sheets irritate you (especially in summer), treat the bed with baby powder. The powder absorbs moisture, the laundry will feel a little velvety and cool to the touch. If you sleep on fine, but still powder, it’s unpleasant for you - make a bed with a thick sheet, distribute baby powder or simple talcum powder, and cover it with a thin sheet, for example, chintz (without elastic, the upper layer will noticeably glide over talcum powder - you have to take into account).
  6. Were your favorite books, memorabilia or library magazine damp? Do not rush to panic and clutch at the iron. The baby powder is harmless and completely absorbs moisture - just remember to put the publication under load so that the pages not only dry, but also straighten.
  7. If the animal urgently needs to refresh the tray, and the filler suddenly runs out, baby powder will come to the rescue again. Powder the old contents of the tray - and voila, no smell!

In addition to moisture, talcum powder also absorbs fat, and in general everything in the world. Therefore, talcum powder grease stains, stains from wine and fruit. Let it soak and shake. Powder again and rub with your fingers as you roll the balls. They will absorb the stain and easily move away.

baby powder from spots

What about the nodes? On chains, shoelaces, textile belts (the latter is especially familiar to mothers of small sea robbers and climbers). Sprinkle the tightened knot with baby talcum powder - it will loosen and untie much easier.

Cosmetology: matting, lengthening, giving volume

In cosmetology, baby powder is also used, for example, in cases where you need to mattify your face (in the summer heat this is especially true, especially for owners of oily skin).

For cosmetic needs, magazine strongly recommends taking only very fine talcum powder, if possible without perfumes and other additives. This one absorbs better and almost does not clog pores.This is all the more important because an adult sweats harder, but is less likely to wash and wash than an infant — babies are washed every time after “doing”, and this is up to 20 times a day.

allergic talcum powder

Where baby powder will help out:

  1. Allergies to shaving and skin irritation? Powder will help to cope with this. True, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise even the highest quality powder will clog the pores.
  2. Want a false eyelash effect? Easy! And do not need to register in the salon for two weeks. Walk with a wide brush with powder on the eyelashes, and after that paint with mascara.
  3. Eyebrows will also get a thick effect, very fashionable in recent seasons, if you powder them with talcum powder, and then comb and tint.
  4. The most common lipstick will turn into persistent, if you know one secret. Use a brush to apply baby powder on the lips and apply lipstick on top. Blot with a cloth and repeat the procedure. An additional plus: this application will increase not only the durability of lipstick, but also the volume of the lips. Without lifting and ancient methods that cause irritation of the mucosa.
  5. So that the shadows do not slip and do not gather in folds on the eyelids, powder can be used as a base for eye makeup, especially if it happens in the summer, and you do not intend to apply foundation.
  6. Baby powder can easily replace dry shampoo - and no need to overpay. In force majeure circumstances, when the head needs to be refreshed, and the opportunity to wash, for example, on long trips, on trains, in hospitals (after surgery or at high temperature), or when hot water is turned off. You just need to sprinkle talcum powder on your head, beat up the imaginary foam, massage gently and comb out. Despite the frightening abundance of the substance, it is not difficult to remove it, and after just combing, the hair becomes clean.

baby eyelash powder

Baby powder absorbs excess sebum, but does not remove dead skin, and talcum powder itself needs to be washed off. Therefore, in the evening or the next day, you still have to wet your head and use ordinary shampoo.

At the cottage and in the garden: scare away pests, preserve the harvest

To solve garden problems it’s not at all necessary to use fresh, freshly purchased powder, it will also be suitable with an expired shelf life. The same goes for price: ordinary, cheap talcum powder will do.

talcum powder

Application at the site and cottage:

  1. If rodents have gotten into the site, it's time to act effectively. It is enough to powder the soil near the plants they love to discourage the visit to these places.
  2. In a too wet season, baby powder will help protect tubers and bulbs from rotting, mold and fungus. You can apply talcum powder to the tubers before planting, or you can sprinkle already sprouted - the powder absorbs moisture and protects the future crop.
  3. In the country often floors creak? Fortunately, this problem can be forgotten if you sprinkle old wooden floorboards with ordinary baby powder and hammer it with a broom into all the cracks and corners. After a single use, the sound will noticeably weaken, and after the third, it will completely disappear.
  4. Cats do not like water, and meanwhile, while in the air, they often wallow in road dust ... How to wash your pet without much damage to him and your psyche? Take baby powder or tal. It acts like a dry shampoo, and also pleasantly refreshes and deodorizes. Stroking and combing, no doubt, will please the cat.

It will come in handy baby powder and in a beach bag. It's time to get dressed, and sand has stuck around the skin - a task for talc. Spread the powder over the stained area and wipe it off with a towel. Are you ready to put on the city!

Baby powder often remains - they take it with a margin, and the kids grow so fast! Throwing or selling powder is not worth it. He will provide many more services in the household and household.

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