What if new jeans are painted?

Often, many are interested in the question - what if the jeans are painted? Probably every lover of this little thing has ever had such a problem. But not everyone knows that it is very easy to solve. To do this, you will need to carry out some manipulations, and the update will no longer cause disappointments.

New jeans

Why it happens?

For the first time putting on brand new jeans and walking through them for several hours, you feel pretty. But what a chagrin comes when, after removing street clothes, it turns out that the legs have acquired a blue or black color (depending on the color of the jeans themselves). And also the favorite light T-shirt in places of contact with the new thing also got dirty. In addition to disappointment at such moments, you do not have to feel anything. The question arises: why did this happen?

Cotton jeans are usually dyed with natural paint. The fibers of the fabric do not always completely absorb the entire pigment, which is why such embarrassment arises. But do not worry - the problem can be solved! At the same time, jeans will not lose their attractiveness, because with the help of such a “specific” procedure only excess paint will be washed off.

Inverting jeans

Preparatory procedures

Before you start washing, you need to perform several simple maneuvers:

  • turn the pants inside out, fasten the fly and all the buttons, buttons;
  • in a basin with warm water, dilute table salt in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water;
  • soak the jeans in this basin and hold them there for 30 minutes;
  • after time, get the item and squeeze it well.


It’s not worth more than half an hour to keep the jeans in salt water. Prolonged exposure may result in tissue damage.

A spoon of salt

Getting to the wash!

Pour clean, slightly warm water into the basin and add the powder. You must use a powder that does not contain a bleaching agent. Such data can be checked on the packaging. An alternative to powder is the most common laundry soap. It can be finely grated and diluted in water.


Many people like to wash clothes in hot water. But if the jeans fade, then this does not need to be done. For molting things, warm water should be used.

Salt is added to the soapy water (a few tablespoons will suffice). We load the jeans and wash them with our hands. If you wish, you can use a brush, but you should take only one that has soft bristles. Too hard a brush can damage the fabric.

Jeans in the bath

Rinse Features

It will be necessary to rinse a thing in several approaches. The first step is to rinse in the shower. To do this, jeans are placed at the bottom of the bath and washed well. The pressure should be made stronger and cool water should be turned on. At the same time, you need to tug and crush the pants in order to quickly wash the excess dye from them. After rinsing on one side, you should turn the jeans over to the other side and repeat the procedure.

We proceed to the second stage of rinsing. This procedure will answer another, no less important, question - how to fix the paint on jeans? It is during the second stage of rinsing that the paint will fix. For this, the same basin is taken and filled with cool water. The usual table vinegar is added to the water. It will be enough to take half a glass. Jeans are placed in a basin and kept in it for 5 minutes, after which they are gently wrung out.


Acetic water can be used not only for fixing paint on jeans. On any fabric, the dye is fixed in this way.

Girl hangs jeans for drying.

How to dry jeans?

The main rule of drying jeans is to hang them by the belt.When jeans are painted and the above procedure has been carried out for them, then it is impossible to hang them on the dryer, folded in half. It is necessary that the water flow from them evenly, and when folded, this effect cannot be achieved. Plus, the kink will be difficult to smooth out.

Lapel new jeans

How to check the result?

To check the result, you need a small piece of white cloth. On jeans, we wet a small area and with carefully three pre-prepared rags. If there are no traces left on it, then the problem is solved, jeans can be worn with confidence without fear of becoming a “blue man”. But in the event that traces remain on the fabric, the procedure for fixing the paint needs to be repeated.

Shedding jeans is a common problem that concerns even the most expensive models. Therefore, manufacturers always recommend washing the product after purchase. To jeans no longer dyed, you need to make a little effort - and you can enjoy the purchase.

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